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Home > Device Management > MaxColor Device Management > [MaxColor] Receiver Scaler Settings
[MaxColor] Receiver Scaler Settings
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All MaxColor Receivers have a built-in video scaler. This enables a source to be set to the maximum resolution even when all displays may not support that resolution. The Receiver will adjust the output resolution so that the display can properly play the video.

Standard Resolutions

MaxColor Receivers come standard with 6 scaler settings:

  • Pass-Through: Does not modify the video resolution (default)
  • Auto Detect: Matches the scaler to the information in the EDID of the attached display
  • Full HD 1080p60
  • Full HD 1080p50
  • Ultra HD 2160p30
  • Ultra HD 2160p25

Custom Resolutions

The scaler can also be customized for other resolutions. Scroll through the list of the dropdown menu for the output resolution needed. Not all of these output resolutions have been tested; your mileage may vary.



astparam s v_output_timing_convert XXXXXXXX;astparam save;sleep 1;reboot

Where XXXXXXXX is replaced by the corresponding 8-digit code from the table below.


astparam s v_output_timing_convert 80000010;astparam save;sleep 1;reboot

Sets the scaler to 1920x1080p@60Hz

Disable Scaler/Pass-Through:

astparam s v_output_timing_convert;astparam save;sleep 1;reboot

Custom Resolution Table

Resolution 8-Digit Code
720p/24Hz 8000003C
720p/50Hz 80000013
720p/60Hz 80000004
1080p/24Hz 80000020
1080p/50Hz 8000001F
1080p/60Hz 80000010
2160p/24Hz 8000005D
2160p/25Hz 8000005E
2160p/30Hz 8000005F
2160p/50Hz 80000060
2160p/60Hz 80000061
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