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Home > Configuration Software > Advanced Matrix Programmer (AMP) > AMP Documentation > AMP - Standardized - Instructions for Established Stack-Switch JADConfig Systems
AMP - Standardized - Instructions for Established Stack-Switch JADConfig Systems
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Advanced Matrix Programmer provides a path forward for all legacy installations configured using JADConfig in a stacked topology using two or more switches.

This article covers the steps required to migrate from Stacking to Trunking, combining or replacing any existing legacy multi-switch models at the job-site with any current multi-switch model of the same manufacturer.

For all examples, we will be running a 3-switch system with two Luxul 4424P's and a single SW-610-24P.

Supported Switch Models


Model Ports On POE Devices per Switch SFP+ Ports
AMS-4424P Rear 24 2
XMS-7048P Front 48 2
SW-610-24P-R Rear 24 4
SW-610-48P-F Front 48 4
SW-615-24P-F Front 24 4
SW-615-48P-F Front 48 4


Not available at this time.

Supported Just Add Power Products

Product Series Supported
MaxColor Series Yes
Ultra Series Yes
Omega Series Yes
2G Series No

DISCLAIMER: Established 2G Series installations with Omega Series devices are NOT supported!

Instructions & Preperations

*Requires Local or Data Network Up-link accessibility at each switch location*

*When disabling Stacking, all switches will use the SAME IP Address*

Run JADConfig "Read Switch Config" for a report file before getting started.

See JADConfig Report File for SWITCH ID to MAC Address association.

Part 1: Generate Discovery Configuration Files

  1. Open Advanced Matrix Programmer (AMP).

  2. Select Build & Expand.

  3. Select Build New.

  4. Name "Project" after the job-site & Click Go!

  5. Select Switch Manufacturer.

  6. Select Model for Switch ID 1.

  7. Use the "+' symbol to add multiple switches'

  8. Assign Models for Switch ID 2 & 3.

    • See JADConfig Report file to confirm switch order.

  9. Assign Switches with IP Addresses.

    • All secondary switches are assigned IP addresses in sequential order starting from the primary switch.

    • Example:
      Switch #1:,,
      Switch #2:,,
      Switch #3:,,

  10. Click Continue

  11. Assign Encoder & Decoder Counts for each switch.
    • Check your JADConfig report file to confirm the Encoder & Decoder counts for each switch.

  12. Click Go!

  13. Click "Download Discovery Configs"

  14. Save .txt files to Desktop for ease of access.

  15. Don't click "Discovery Configs are Uploaded".

Part 2: Setup Existing AMS-4424/XMS-7048 Switches

  1. Remove SFP+ cables from all switches in the stack.

  2. Login to Stack Switch via web browser using the Switch Stack IP Address.

  3. Navigate to: Configuration > Stack

    • Uncheck "Stacking Enabled".

    • Set Switch ID to "1".

    • Set Priority to "1".

    • Check to Delete any extra switches listed.

    • Click Save.

  4. Navigate to: Administration > Configuration > Upload

    • Choose file: "dc_1_[Switch Model]_[SwitchIP].txt".

    • Select bubble for "startup-config".

      • If "startup-config" is not listed, use "Create New File" and name it "startup-config".

    • Select Upload Configuration

  5. Reboot Switch

  6. Disconnect Local/Data Network from Stack 1 & Reconnect to Stack 2, Port 1.

  7. Login to Stack Switch via web browser using Switch Stack IP Address.

  8. Navigate to: Configuration > Stack

    • Uncheck "Stacking Enabled".

    • Set Switch ID to "1".

    • Set Priority to "1".

    • Check to Delete any extra switches listed.

    • Click Save.

  9. Navigate to: Administration > Configuration > Upload

    • Choose file: "dc_2_[Switch Model]_[SwitchIP].txt"
    • Select bubble for "startup-config".
      • If "startup-config" is not listed, use "Create New File" and name it "startup-config".
    • Select Upload Configuration.

  10. Navigate to: Administration > Reboot

  11. Reboot the Switch.

  12. Repeat steps above for additional switches.

Part 3: Adding a SW-610-24P/48P

  1. Connect Local or Data Network Up-link to the last port of the switch.

  2. Open the Webui of the switch.

  3. Choose File: "dc_[#]_[SW-610-24P/48P]_[SwitchIP].txt"

  4. Select bubble for "startup-config.

    • If "startup-config" is not listed, use "Create New File" and name it "startup-config".

  5. Select Upload Configuration

  6. Reboot the Switch.

Part 4: Continue with AMP

  1. Reconnect SFP+'s

    • Connect one SFP+ Cable between each switch.

    • Switch 1 Connects to Switch 2.

    • Switch 2 Connects to Switch 3.

    • Repeat until last switch is connected.

    • Optional: Connect the first switch to the last switch for redundancy.

  2. Move Local or Data Up-link to the last port of switch 1. (See diagram below)

  3. Return to AMP

  4. Click "Discovery Configs are Uploaded"

  5. Physical Layout of Transmitters and Receivers are reversed in AMP.

  6. Continue normally with Advanced Matrix Programmer (AMP) in order to finalize the system configuration.

**DISCLAIMER!! It is recommended to label all network runs before re-patching, otherwise re-configuring the control system might be difficult if runs are patch out of sequential order.**

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