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[3G Ultra] Device Settings
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The 3G System includes all 2GΩ/3G and 3G devices. Essentially, any device in a black metal casing.

Settings on Just Add Power alter the behavior of the device upon start-up. Settings that are changed will not be active immediately; they will be applied upon the next start-up. Many settings should be altered according to the unique situation present in each installation and are not recommended as blanket settings for all systems.

Requires devices to be on justOS firmware version B1.0.0 or later.

For Commands that change the behavior of a device instantly, see the 3G Device Commands article.


All Settings should be entered via the Command Line Interface accessible via:

  • Telnet to the IP of the unit, at port 23
  • RS232
    • White, 3-pin molex connector on the bottom of the unit. Make or request a Debug Cable to access.
    • 115200-8n1 baud rate

All Settings are case-sensitive.


Get All Startup Settings

astparam dump

Get Individual Startup Setting

astparam g [parameter]

Set Startup Setting

astparam s [parameter] [value]

Save Startup Settings

astparam save

Delay 1 Second

sleep 1

Reboot the Device


Erase a Setting

astparam s [parameter]

Chaining Settings

Multiple commands can be chained together to be applied simultaneously. Separate each command with a semicolon (;). Recommend adding Delay 1 Second after Save to ensure that the device has time needed to commit changes to permanent memory.


astparam s ip_mode static;astparam s ipaddr;astparam s netmask;astparam s gatewayip;astparam save;sleep 1;reboot



Modify the way Transmitter audio services are processed.

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
TX Audio Handling v_rx_drv_option 0 Default on non-AVP TX. Preserve audio sampling. All TX astparam s v_rx_drv_option 0
2 Default on AVP TX. Convert audio to 48kHz.
4 Enable audio services without video present.
Applicable to non-AVP TX.
6 Enable audio services without video present.
Applicable to AVP TX.
Enable/Disable HDMI Audio POST /settings/audio/dsp/hdmi $x on Enable the HDMI audio on boot-up 3G+ AVP TX
justOS firmware Bx.x.x
POST /settings/audio/dsp/hdmi on
mute Disable the HDMI audio on boot-up
Enable/Disable Line Audio POST /settings/audio/dsp/line $x on Enable the Line input audio on boot-up 3G+ AVP TX
justOS firmware Bx.x.x
POST /settings/audio/dsp/line on
mute Disable the Line input audio on boot-up
Enable/Disable Mic Audio POST /settings/audio/dsp/mic $x on Enable the Mic input audio on boot-up 3G+ AVP TX
justOS firmware Bx.x.x
POST /settings/audio/dsp/mic on
mute Disable the Mic input audio on boot-up

Bandwidth Control

Adjust the bandwidth output of a Transmitter for situations where the network cannot handle Transmitters at full capacity.

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
Adjust Framerate v_frame_rate $A Keep resolution the same.
Set framerate to $A/60 of the input framerate.
Max $A=60
All 3G TX astparam s v_frame_rate 1
Adjust Resolution profile 200M Keep framerate the same.
Lower resolution to fit 200Mbps bandwidth.
All 3G TX astparam s profile 200M
150M Keep framerate the same.
Lower resolution to fit 150Mbps bandwidth.
100M Keep framerate the same.
Lower resolution to fit 100Mbps bandwidth.

DHCP Server

Allow a Just Add Power Receiver to hand out IP addresses to other devices. Allows for direct IP access to devices connected to 509POE Daisy Chain Receivers. DHCP Server will hand out IPs from x.x.x.200-.249.

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
DHCP Server dhcp_server_enable n Default. Disable DHCP server. All RX astparam s dhcp_server_enable y
y Enable DHCP Server


Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
HDR Pass-Through v_hdmi_hdr_mode 0 Default. Enable HDR Pass-Through All RX astparam s v_hdmi_hdr_mode 1
1 Disable HDR Pass-Through
This may be necessary for HLG sources going to non-HDR displays.

Image Pull

Snapshot the video on a Transmitter or Receiver. The snapshot can be accessed by any device on the netork.

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
Image Pull pull_on_boot n Default. Disable Image Pull. All devices astparam s pull_on_boot 320_1_1
$A_$B_$C $A = size of the image. 160, 320, 640
$B = 1. Lower priority than video.
$C = Frequency of Image Pull. 0 means 10fps. 1 means 1fps.


Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
Mode ip_mode autoip Device defaults to 169.254.x.x All devices astparam s ip_mode static
static Consistent IP address. Must also assign ipaddr, netmask, gatewayip
dhcp Get IP from DHCP server. If no server, reboot until server is present
IP Address ipaddr $A.$B.$C.$D IP address for device in IP Mode Static All devices astparam s ipaddr
Subnet Mask netmask $A.$B.$C.$D Subnet mask for device in IP Mode Static All devices astparam s netmask
Default Gateway gatewayip $A.$B.$C.$D Default gateway for device in IP Mode Static All devices astparam s gatewayip


Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
Flux Capacitor
IR Dongle Version
flux v1 Set RS232 to communicate with Dongle v1 attached to the device All devices astparam s flux v1
v2 Set RS232 to communicate with Dongle v2 attached to the device

LED Behavior

All devices have a Power LED and a Data LED that are diagnostically relevant to determine the current status.
The LEDs can be disabled or their behavior altered to fit different situations.

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
LED Behavior leds   Default. LEDs behave according to device status. All devices astparam s leds always_off
always_off LEDs are always off
only_on_video Both LEDs are on if video is present.
Both LEDs are off if video is absent.


Send RS232 commands to endpoint devices using the RS232 port on any Just Add Power device.

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Examples
Set TX-RX Link Dependence soip_type2 y Default. RS232 uses RX-TX link. All devices astparam s soip_type2 y
n RS232 does not use RX-TX link
Set SOIP Input soip_guest_on n Default. SOIP input is RS232 port of TX/RX. All devices astparam s soip_guest_on y
y SOIP input is network socket directly to device.
Set Baudrate s0_baudrate $A-8n1 $A = baudrate. Default = 9600. All devices astparam s s0_baudrate 9600-8n1
astparam s s0_baudrate 38400-8n1
astparam s s0_baudrate 115200-8n1

A combination of these functions translate to the different Serial Over IP Modes available to Just Add Power devices.

Mode Usage Setting
Passive Input: serial to TX
Output: serial from every RX watching that TX.
astparam s soip_type2 y;astparam s soip_guest_on n;astparam save;sleep 1;reboot
Direct Two-direction with feedback
Input: network connection to IP port 6752
Output: serial from the device with that IP
astparam s soip_type2 y;astparam s soip_guest_on y;astparam save;sleep 1;reboot
API One-direction - no feedback
Input: network connection to IP port 23
Output: serial from the device with that IP
astparam s soip_type2 n;astparam s soip_guest_on y;astparam save;sleep 1;reboot


Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
Touchscreen Enable no_kmoip y Default. Touchscreen enabled. Less-smooth mouse movements. All devices astparam s no_kmoip n
n Touchscreen disabled. Smoother mouse movements.


Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
HDCP Handling
Only one of these settings can be y
v_reject_hdcp n Default. Handle HDCP according to device hardware. All TX astparam s v_reject_hdcp y
y Report as HDCP non-compliant device.
hdcp_always_on n Default. Handle HDCP according to device hardware. astparam s hdcp_always_on y
y Report as HDCP 1.4 compliant regardless of source settings
hdcp_always_on_22 n Default. Handle HDCP according to device hardware. astparam s hdcp_always_on_22 y
y Report as HDCP 2.2 compliant regardless of source settings
Disable RX HDMI when video lost v_turn_off_screen_on_pwr_save n Default. Show debug screen when video lost All RX astparam s v_turn_off_screen_on_pwr_save y
y Stop HDMI output when video lost.
Timing based on v_src_unavailable_timeout value.
v_src_unavailable_timeout $A $A = time in ms (1000ms = 1sec) before HDMI dropout All RX astparam s v_src_unavailable_timeout 5000
Debug Text ui_show_text y Default. Show text on debug screen. All RX astparam s ui_show_text n
n Hide text on debug screen.
Warning: may hinder troubleshooting.
Debug Screen Resolution ui_default_res 640x480@60 Default. Set resolution to 480p. All RX astparam s ui_default_res 1280x720@60
1280x720@60 Set resolution to 720p
1920x1080@60 Set resolution to 1080p
3840x2160@30 Set resolution to 2160p

Wallplate TX

Wallplate Transmitters have both an HDMI and VGA video input, as well as a Line-In audio input

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
Audio Input Selection a_io_select auto_2 Default. Use audio from active source. Wallplate TX astparam s a_io_select analog
auto_1 Use Line-In if attached. Otherwise use HDMI audio.
auto Use Line-in if attached. Otherwise use active video source as audio.
analog Use Line-In audio only
hdmi Use HDMI audio only
Input Switching Behavior v_input_select auto Default. Dipswitch determines input. Wallplate TX astparam s v_input_select fixed
detect_sync Source switches when unplug is detected.
fixed Dipswitch and unplug detection disabled.
Source switching only possible through telnet command.
Select Startup Source v_type   Default. Select Dipswitch source on startup Wallplate TX astparam s v_type hdmi
0 Select VGA source on startup
2 Select HDMI source on startup


Name a Just Add Power device.

Name Parameter Value(s) Description Applicable Units Example
Webname webname $A $A = Name for device. Use quotes if more than one word. All devices astparam s webname "Master Bedroom"
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