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Showing articles from CEC tag

[Endpoint Control] URC Accelerator: CEC to IP Driver

* Overview * Download * Setup the Driver Overview CEC control in URC is best accessed by allowing the Accelerate process to build a user interface automatically. In order to do that through the Just Add Power system, a CEC driver must be converted to a CEC over IP driver. This change allows the URC processor to s…

CEC Troubleshooting

Overview The troubleshooting steps here are ordered by most-common to least-common cause of issue. Display Settings Dig through the settings in the Display to enable all CEC functions. Contact the manufacturer to confirm that the display supports the desired function; most displays we have tested will respond to …

PuTTY: RS232/CEC/Telnet/SSH Troubleshooting Tool

PuTTY is a free implementation of an SSH and Telnet server, as well as a terminal emulator. Information at with all credit to the original author, Simon Tatham. We recommend downloading putty.exe under Alternate Binary Files (32-bit or 64-bit) at . This is a standalone version with no installation.

CEC Compatibility

Overview CEC - Consumer Electronic Control - describes control of a source or display by sending commands over the HDMI cable. It is one of the three types of endpoint control supported by Just Add Power: CEC, RS232, IR. Just Add Power devices capable of sending every CEC command in existence, however the implement…

[Endpoint Control] Control4 Endpoint Control (RS232, IR, CEC)

* Overview * Requirements * Setup RS232 * Setup IR * Setup CEC CEC Programming with Samsung Displays Overview Control4 systems can use Just Add Power Transmitters and Receivers as an extension cord to manage sources and displays through CEC, IR, or RS232. Control is done on an individual device basis, so…

Docklight Scripting - RS232/IR/CEC/Telnet Advanced Troubleshooting Tool

Docklight Scripting is a program that allows the user to build a string of ASCII or HEX characters, and then send those commands to a specific IP address and port number (TCP Socket), and is a useful tool when troubleshooting a variety of advanced features in the Just Add Power 2G and 3G platforms external to the con…

Static Route: Configure a Network to Access a Just Add Power System

* Overview * Set Static Route on the Router * Set Default Gateway on the Control Processor * Set Local Route on a PC Overview After a Just Add Power system has been configured with AMP or JADConfig, a Static Route must be created before the control system will work. There are 3 common ways to give the Data Net…

CEC over IP Control

Overview CEC - Consumer Electronics Control - is an HDMI feature designed to allow a single remote to control multiple devices by sending commands through the HDMI cable connecting the devices together. For example, the TV remote can be used to control the Blu-Ray player connected to it. CEC works well in a point…

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